Can Panic Attacks Be Stopped Through Regular Yoga?

Mental Health problems are growing among people of all ages with every passing day. One very common form of mental health problem is to witness brief episodes of Panic Attacks. Panic Attacks are situations when an individual experiences intense anxiety, stress and is in a state of panic.

Some effective ways to treat a panic attack include reducing intake of alcohol, a better diet, less caffeine intake, and regular yoga. Various yoga courses like the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh have many sessions dedicated to learning asanas to help stop these panic attacks. Although there are various techniques to stop the attack, for the time being, yoga can help heal the individual and to ensure that the occurrences of these attacks reduce over time.

What triggers a Panic Attack?

To understand how to stop and reduce panic attacks, it is imperative to understand what triggers the same in the first place. Panic Attacks are sudden occurrences' in an individual and regular occurrences of the same may lead to more persistent and risky health problems. Some of the problems that trigger a Panic Attack include stress, anxiety disorders, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), etc.

Is Yoga effective to help with Panic Attacks?

Yoga is a form of exercise that has various physical as well as mental benefits. This type of exercise has its roots in the ancient histories of India and has a huge amount of uses, one such being its effectiveness on Panic Attacks. Some researchers have shown that through the persistent practice of yoga, along with a healthy diet and better living, one can easily get rid of mental health problems and reduce the occurrences of Panic Attacks. 

People who have regular Panic Attacks are usually in a constant state of stress and negative thoughts. Yoga helps to calm the mind and release stress thus helping with Panic attacks. Thus we can confidently say that Panic Attacks can indeed be stopped through regular Yoga.

How to stop panic attacks with the help of Yoga?

In this article, we not only aim to share the fact that panic attacks can be stopped through regular yoga but also seek to understand the type of asanas or yoga poses you should undertake to practice to stop these attacks. You can learn about most of these asanas in reputed courses like the 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh and many more. Therefore, some of the ways and asanas to stop panic attacks and to ensure that they reduce over time are as follows:

1. Relaxation Techniques like Pranayama and Meditation: Pranayama or meditation technique is one of the best ways to stop Anxiety and the occurrence of Panic Attacks. The Pranayama and meditation are a set of breathing techniques that are created to calm the mind and provide relaxation to the individual. Through regular practice of these yogic breathing techniques’ one can calm themselves and also avoid negative thoughts during the episode of a Panic Attack. A variety of Pranayama and breathing techniques are taught at the Yoga School in Rishikesh and can help reduce mental health problems completely when practiced over some time. Through these techniques, you can not only control your breath during an episode but also reduce stress and anxiety thus reducing panic attacks over time.

2. Virasana or the Hero Pose: Virasana or the Hero Pose is a yoga asana that is designed to provide relaxation to the back and spine and thus acts as a stress buster. This asana that can be performed by bending the upper body forward and back while sitting in a kneeling position is known to work on all kinds of muscle aches and causes of anxiety. Regular practice of this asana makes the individual flexible and reduces body pains, which in turn reduces the occurrences of negative thoughts and stops Panic Attacks. 

3. Matsyasana also known as the Fish Pose: The Matsyasana or the fish pose is a very famous yoga asana or pose and is known widely for its immense physical and mental benefits. This asana can be performed by lying down on the yoga mat and raising your upper body upward. This is done by placing your elbows to the ground, touching the ground with your palms, and then raising your chest and stomach area upward and downward. 

4. Therapeutic Yoga to Calm the Mind: Therapeutic Yoga is a type of yoga that is mixed with therapy and calming the mind-body and soul through yogic practices. This form of yoga is practiced without exerting any kind of strain on the body or mind of the individual. One of the main benefits of therapeutic yoga is that it helps to calm the mind and help connect with nature. As a result of this, it leads to internal healing which in turn reduces occurrences' of negative thoughts and other things that cause stress. Therefore, through therapeutic yoga, one can not only calm their mind and stop panic attacks for immediate relief but also reduce the occurrence of the same by improving their quality of life and mental health.

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